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  5. Blue Hygiene Rolls
    10" and 20"


Hygiene Rolls

Blue Hygiene Rolls
10" and 20"

  • Overview
  • Product Data

2ply Blue Hygiene Rolls are perfect for hospitals, medical centres, clinics, sport centres and beauty salons. Hygiene rolls offer crucial additional protection and client comfort. Traditionally used to line couches and medical equipment, these versatile and durable rolls can also be used for all general wiping tasks. Extremely economical and practical, these tissue based rolls are individually wrapped for added protection.

50cm (20") wide, 2ply, blue with 9 rolls per case

25cm (10") wide, 2ply blue with 18 rolls per case

Features & Benefits

  • Perforated rolls - easy to tear.
  • Can be used with or without a dispenser.
  • Open and ready to use wiper offers better sheet usage.
  • Can be used for several applications.


Product ID: 1981
Condition: NewCondition
Categories: Paper Products   Hygiene Rolls  
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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