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  5. Black Platter With Lid
    Various Sizes



Black Platter With Lid
Various Sizes

  • Overview
  • Product Data

A selection of platter bases and lids made from black and clear plastic and in a range of different sizes. These platters and lids are ideal for party and buffet caterers as they allow large numbers of sandwiches to be transported safely and cleanly whilst also looking visually pleasing for the customer.

Pack Size:  50 bases/50 lids

Small Octaganol Platter (360 x 240mm)

Medium Rectangular Platter (345 x 265mm)

Large Rectangular Platter (460 x 300mm)

Large Octaganol Platter (460 x 300mm) (Bases & Lids separate)

Product ID: 1730
Condition: NewCondition
Categories: Catering Packaging   Platters  
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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