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  3. Deb Skin Care
  4. Dispensers - Deb Range
  5. Deb AgroPOWER WASH
    2lt Cartridge


Dispensers - Deb Range

2lt Cartridge

  • Overview
  • Product Data
  • Perfume free, non-tainting, heavy duty hand cleanser with polyethylene scrubbing agents to remove mechanical and vegetable oils, grease, fats and general grime.
  • Suitable for use in food manufacturing and processing environments.
  • Contains moisturiser to help prevent skin dryness.
  • For use with Deb Cleanse Heavy 2000 Dispenser. Case:  2ltr x 4.
  • Enquire about free on loan dispensers


Product ID: 2039
Condition: NewCondition
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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