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  3. Deb Skin Care
  4. Dispensers - Deb Range
  5. Deb 'Cradle' Protective Cream - 700ml


Dispensers - Deb Range

Deb 'Cradle' Protective Cream - 700ml

  • Overview
  • Product Data
  • Combined protection and reconditioning cream for protection against both oil and
    water based contaminants.
  • Contains emollient to moisturise the skin and help prevent dryness.
  • For use by mobile workers in vans, trucks and work cabins.
  • Used with the Deb Skin Safety Cradle Centre (3-step)
  • Case:  6 x 700ml cradle cartridge
Product ID: 2059
Condition: NewCondition
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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