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  2. GMC Corsehill
  3. Catering Packaging
  4. Salad Containers
  5. Kraft Tuck Top Salad Box
    650ml & 1000ml


Salad Containers

Kraft Tuck Top Salad Box
650ml & 1000ml

  • Overview
  • Product Data

Tuck Top Kraft Salad Box is part of our Natural Take Away range of packaging, suitable for a range of venues including cinemas, concerts, outdoor events and theatres. Ideal for salads, pastas, noodles etc.

Size: 160 x 120 x 50mm 650ml - Case 250

Size: 200 x 120 x 50mm 1000ml - Case 200


Product ID: 2171
Condition: NewCondition
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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