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  5. Large Sponge Scourers
    Pack 10



Large Sponge Scourers
Pack 10

  • Overview
  • Product Data
  • Foam Back Scourers are specially designed for use by the professional.
  • The abrasive nylon pan scourer side of the scourer easily tackles tough burnt on food and debris from pots, pans and oven tops, whilst the sponge side will allow you to wipe clean afterwards.
  • These scourers are ideal for all heavy duty applications, and will assist any cleaning operation.
  • 14x9cm (5.5x3.75") approximate in size.
  • Sold in packs of 10.
Product ID: 1881
Condition: NewCondition
Categories: Cleaning Materials   Scourers  
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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