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  2. GMC Corsehill
  3. Catering Packaging
  4. Food Trolleys
  5. Stainless Steel Food Trolley
    2 Tier & 3 Tier


Food Trolleys

Stainless Steel Food Trolley
2 Tier & 3 Tier

  • Overview
  • Product Data

Quality all stainless steel clearing trolleys.
Units supplied flat-packed, easy to assemble.
All trolleys fitted with 4 castors ( 2 with brakes).

3 Tier - 930 x 860 x 535mm. 

3 Tier - 810 x 855 x 455mm (Small)

2 Tier - 940 x 860 x 535mm (Large)

2 Tier - 810 x 855x 455mm (Small)

Product ID: 2206
Condition: NewCondition
Categories: Catering Packaging   Food Trolleys  
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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